Weather: A few clouds, -2 °C / 28 °F
Local time: 06:41 am

Petre Sarajishvili №1, Tbilisi, Georgia

20 km From the airport

+995 322 040 401

* Best Price Guarantee

About us

The Green Tower Hotel was founded in 2018 and offers rooms in 62 different categories, cozy and modern in design.

The hotel is located in Tbilisi, 7 km from the city center, on the main highway.

Nearby objects are:

Metro station Didube – 1.5 km

Shopping Mall Tbilisi Mall – 2 km

Recreational Area Lisi Lake – 3 km

Dinamo Arena Football Stadium – 4 km

It is also 5-7 km away from the sights such as: Rustaveli Theater, Opera and Ballet Theater, Sports Palace, Circus, Zoo, Freedom Square


Have a nice rest!

The aim of the hotel is to provide high quality service and comfortable environment for our guests within 24 hours

We care about your happiness!